Deworming Services

Keep your pet healthy through regular deworming to prevent health issues caused by parasites.

Deworming your pet is one of the first forms of preventive treatment they should receive. Worms are dangerous parasites that can cause long term effects. We recommend puppies and kittens start deworming treatments when they are between 2 weeks to 1-month-old. Deworming should continue until they are 3-months-old. When your pet has matured our team will recommend deworming approximately every 3 months throughout their life. This may increase if your pet is an outdoor cat or dog. To speak with one of our veterinarians about deworming your pet, call us to book an appointment.

What worms may affect my pet?

Common worms that may affect your furry pal include roundworm, tapeworm, whipworm, heartworm and hookworm.

What are signs of worms in my pet?

The best way to confirm if your pet has worms is to have our team perform diagnostic testing to confirm an infection. Some signs that may indicate the presence of worms in your pet include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Blood in stool
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive coughing
  • Diarrhea

To prevent any long-lasting damage we encourage our clients to have their furry friends come in for a visit if they suspect their pet has worms.

How are worms diagnosed in pets?

Worms that affect the outer body can be detected through physical examination. Intestinal worms are diagnosed through microscopic examinations. We collect a sample of your pet’s stool and use a microscope to look for worm eggs. For heartworms we run blood tests and chest X-rays to diagnose an infestation. Tapeworms can be identified with the naked eye in your pet’s stool sample.

Does my indoor pet need to be dewormed?

Yes, indoor pets need to be dewormed. The threat of a worm infection is still possible from other animals they come in contact with inside the home. Indoor pets don’t need as many deworming treatments or preventatives as their exposure risk is less, though still present.

How are worms treated in pets?

Worms may be treated through oral medication or an injection that treats a variety of parasites at the same time. The best way to ensure your pet remains worm-free is through prevention. Our team can create a prevention plan tailored specifically for your pet.

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