Weight Management

Keeping your pet at their ideal weight range and size with a safe diet regimen.

With weight management consultations, you are provided with the right tools to get your furry friend to a healthy weight. The weight of your pet plays a big role in their overall health. Obesity in pets is a very common problem, it is estimated that over 30% of pets in North America are obese. An overweight pet can develop diseases and may have a shorter lifespan.

What happens when my pet is overweight?

Excess body fat on your pet impacts their quality of life. There is more stress on the body which makes them more likely to develop cancer, diabetes and osteoarthritis. It is sometimes difficult to tell if your pet is obese just by looking at them, the best way to confirm it is to have our veterinarian examine them.

How can I control my pet’s weight?

The changes necessary to get your pet to a healthy weight must become their new lifestyle. All changes should be approved by your veterinarian. Creating a new dietary lifestyle without a veterinarian’s input can put your pet at risk for malnutrition. Some general guidelines you may follow include:

  • Adjustments to their diet (portion control)
  • Encourage them to play and exercise
  • Schedule their meal times
  • Limit unhealthy treats
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