Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Senior pets need different care from younger pets as their body changes over time. Regular checkups with your veterinarian can ensure you cater to your pet’s needs. If you have questions about the changes your pet may be going through, please reach out to our team for some assistance.

When is my pet considered a senior?

Different breeds enter their senior status at different times. Cats 8 years and older are considered seniors while dogs 7 years and older are seniors. This may vary among canines in particular, as larger breeds tend to age faster than smaller ones.

What are signs that my pet is getting older?

As you spend time with your pet you may notice changes that are very noticeable after some time. The signs may vary, but some general things to look out for are:

  1. Moving at a slower pace
  2. Less active or willing to move around
  3. Bumps and lumps on their body
  4. Fur/ hair greying
  5. Less responsive when called

What are common health issues in senior pets?

When your pet gets to a certain age they are more susceptible to developing new conditions. You should always keep an eye out for any early signs of illnesses so they can get treated early. Some common illnesses senior pets experience are:

  • Memory loss/confusion
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney and bladder problems
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Orthopedic issues

With regular veterinary visits these conditions can be detected early which makes them easier to treat. If you notice any symptoms related to the conditions above, be sure to speak with one of our veterinarians.

How can I support my senior pet?

As your pet gets older it helps if you exercise patience with them. They may not be able to keep up with your lifestyle now than before, so it’s important to be gentle with them. Small adjustments to their daily routines can help them function as close as normal to what they’re used to. Your loyal companion will greatly appreciate extra affection and calming exercises such as swimming.

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